quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017


I didn’t ask 
Not because I was afraid he could lie
Whatever it was 
I don’t even have how to prove 
If it was true 
Or if it was untrue 
I didn’t ask
Because I was afraid 
Afraid what I was wondering was true
And he would took the courage 
To tell me he was seeing someone 
That he had moved on
And I was nothing

But another one

sexta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2017

LearnIng how to be a heartless being

It was an oversight
A memory lapse
A failed act
There was no reason 
Or purpose 
I just forgot my heart there, with him

Didn't realize till I needed it back
Till started hurting
(Yeah, I had forgotten also that love hurts)
Till I figured out I couldn't control its beats anymore

I can't blame him
He hadn't ask for it
He haven't stole it
He might even haven't noticed I left it there

It's not his fault
I didn't give him as gift
Or left it there, at the center of the table to be found
I don't even remember exactly when and where I left it
All I know is that when I was back I was missing it 
I must have forgotten it there, with him

And I want to ask him to bring me back
Because I miss him 
Because this absence of him hurts
Because I'm afraid I won't see him anymore

And I'm afraid to ask him to bring it back me
I don't want him to know that I let my defenses down
I don't want him to see how little is my heart
I don't want him to know how cold and hard I can be

Maybe I should just let it go
Start to get used to live without him 
Learn how to be a heartless being

After all, who needs a heart when you are so afraid to love?

segunda-feira, 6 de março de 2017

Foi um leitura longa, demorada, pausada, eu diria até interrompida.
Interrompida pela tua ausência se fazendo presente toda vez que a palavra falta no texto aparecia.
Interrompida pela lembrança de ter você em meus braços toda a vez que a palavra juntos era lida.
Interrompida por um sorriso bobo toda vez que as palavras amor, felicidade e suas correlatas saltavam entre as linhas.
Interrompida por longos suspiros quando as palavras longe e distante se infiltravam nas frases escritas.
E ao final da leitura, um livro curto e intenso de final positivo e esperançoso, quis te escrever: "Como é bom sentir saudades de você"; assim mesmo, em bom português.
Mas você não iria entender. Não é uma questão de tradução. Sentimentos não se traduzem em palavras, e você nem fala a minha língua...